Tommy (Amistad), Christina (Bowsprite), and yours truly attempt to row downhill, sideways.
See how many things wrong you can find in this picture.
photo credit: courtesy of Tugster
Let's see... Boat is overloaded, not enough life jackets (we know Christina can swim so she's ok), and Tommy is wearing a parachute instead of a life jacket.
since longislandguy nails the four "wrong things" in this foto, i'll speculate on the untold story: bowsprite is clearly engaging in research for an upcoming post in her series . . . "how to swim from..." in this case a dinghy, an overloaded dinghy. a fotografer here, i'll "recall" that what happened next was that i, carrying a cask of narragansett, placed my large size into the dinghy, which promptly had negative freeboard. tommy parachuted away, matt walked quickly on water, and bowsprite concluded her research. i quickly emptied the 'gansett and floated ashore on the cask, camera lost in the drink. now was i dreaming this??
boat's not overloaded! weight's just not evenly distributed yet: that parachute bag holds BEER! Once Tommy passed it around, we ballasted as far to the bottom of the boat as we physically could.
except for Tugster, who tripped the light fantastic and walked over the waves. Waiter, I'll have what HE's having, please.
What I recall from that evening is that an argument ensued - playfully it seemed - yet when I woke Matt was *still* in the dinghy, perhaps put off his own ship by an enthusiastic sprite? Tragicomedy! Eventually he came back aboard, after bringing caffeinated offerings (no doubt to counter the invisible beer of the night before). A strange evening-into-morning to be sure :)
Elizabeth, A certain somebody with her high maintenance attitude, left me no choice but to seek the solitude and companionship of the dingy. (The dingy never talks bad about other people).
Also, the photo is a bit misleading. Right after it was taken, we all stood up and relocated to our properly assigned seats.
Let's see... Boat is overloaded, not enough life jackets (we know Christina can swim so she's ok), and Tommy is wearing a parachute instead of a life jacket.
Most importantly however, there's no beer.
The Long Island Guy got it right as far as i can see (especially the beer thing!).
since longislandguy nails the four "wrong things" in this foto, i'll speculate on the untold story: bowsprite is clearly engaging in research for an upcoming post in her series . . . "how to swim from..." in this case a dinghy, an overloaded dinghy. a fotografer here, i'll "recall" that what happened next was that i, carrying a cask of narragansett, placed my large size into the dinghy, which promptly had negative freeboard. tommy parachuted away, matt walked quickly on water, and bowsprite concluded her research. i quickly emptied the 'gansett and floated ashore on the cask, camera lost in the drink. now was i dreaming this??
boat's not overloaded! weight's just not evenly distributed yet: that parachute bag holds BEER! Once Tommy passed it around, we ballasted as far to the bottom of the boat as we physically could.
except for Tugster, who tripped the light fantastic and walked over the waves. Waiter, I'll have what HE's having, please.
What I recall from that evening is that an argument ensued - playfully it seemed - yet when I woke Matt was *still* in the dinghy, perhaps put off his own ship by an enthusiastic sprite? Tragicomedy! Eventually he came back aboard, after bringing caffeinated offerings (no doubt to counter the invisible beer of the night before). A strange evening-into-morning to be sure :)
A certain somebody with her high maintenance attitude, left me no choice but to seek the solitude and companionship of the dingy. (The dingy never talks bad about other people).
Also, the photo is a bit misleading. Right after it was taken, we all stood up and relocated to our properly assigned seats.
I shudder to imagine you all standing up in that dinghy. I'm afraid the assigned seats then must all have been located overboard?
WHO you calling high maintenance!?! by the way, your dinghy trashed me, and ejected me overboard.
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