Often, timing is everything. About a week after I visited Garvies Point Preserve I saw several news stories about bottlenose dolphins that were spotted along this section of Hempstead Harbor. Some of the video footage I saw looked as if it were filmed from this exact location. I didn't see any dolphins when I was here, but I did find a natural history museum, and 62 acres of wooded bluffs that lead down to a rocky shoreline.
I skipped the museum and instead walked a trail that winds it's way along the top of the bluffs. The woods and the meadows were still very wet from the recent rainfall, and my clothes became wet as well. Some areas of the preserve are significantly overgrown which limited the view and required a certain amount of bushwacking.
The property has been overrun by an invasive vine known as
porcelain-berry. These vines have blocked sunlight and thwarted root growth for many of the native plants and trees. Garvies Point Preserve has been fighting a difficult battle, attempting to remove the vines and restore native growth.
I followed a wooden stairway that descended the bluffs and brought me to the rocky beach below. The sky was still overcast and it looked and felt as if it would start raining at any moment.
To the south I could see the hills of
Sea Cliff, and to the north of me was
Morgan Park. Across the bay in the distance, I could see some of the estates of
Sands Point. I remember thinking to myself that this is most likely the least known piece of public shoreline in the area. At least it was before the dolphins arrived.
Garvies Point Museum And Preserve
Dolphins' Local Swim A Good Sign
What Does It Mean?
Huffington Post:
Dolphins In LIS (video)
The Porcelain berry has had me fooled a few times because the leaves are very grape vine like and I will cook with grape leaves, but not with these. And this is one of many beautiful places you have shown that I do not know!
Thank you.
So whose job is it supposed to be to whack those pesky vines? Hope that you'll see the dolphins sometime:)
I can't believe it. I haven't heard the name Garvies Point in years. I spent a lot of time playing there as a child. Now I must go ask my parents about it!
Thank you for this!
I will have to get back to you on that one. ;)
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