Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Charles W. Morgan Restoration

In November, I posted a story about the Charles W. Morgan being hauled for a three year, 2.5 million dollar, restoration project. This week, on a Spring-like day, I was able to view the 19th century whaling ship from the intersection of Bay and Isham Street in Mystic. It was difficult to take photographs due to the sheer size of the ship. I walked a block or so away, only to be obstructed by houses, trees, and telephone poles. According to the Mystic Seaport website, the work performed so far has centered on the interior framework of the ship, along with the platforms and stairways that provide access aboard. Charles W. Morgan:WebAlbum New York Times: photo gallery New York Times: Historic Ship Hauled For Restoration Digg!


Canoez said...

Nice posts, Matthew. Keep it up!

will said...

great pix nonetheless. they motivate me to get up there one of these weekends.

Unknown said...

Thanks Canoez!

Thanks Will. According to the Mystic Seaport website, visitors will be able to view the ship up close from the platform, this summer.
I didn't even enter the grounds. I was at a marine consignment store down the street, and I saw the CWM in the distance.

Jessica said...

It's amazing to see such a significant piece of history being restored.